Support Us!

There are many ways to support the efforts of CottonFest. If you or your business would like to help sponsor the festival, we would welcome donations of any size.

We have a silent auction during the festival and encourage you to think about items to donate for the auction – whether an individual item or themed gift basket, these can be fun for church groups, co-workers and friends to arrange, all while supporting a good cause.

Finally … money. Of all the contributions and funds received during CottonFest, more than 70% stays local to help families in need. That may be in the form of a gas card to drive back and forth for treatments, a payment on a life insurance policy to keep it from expiring, or various other needs by those affected. The other funds, less than 30%, will be donated to the research of Pancreatic Cancer so that one day, the survival rate is more than 5-7% over five years. We have set up a secure, PayPal account so you can be confident credit card donations are safe and will be used for the purpose intended.
